Existing Grants
The project’s goal is to improve accountability and effectiveness of policy formulation within the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development Region. The specific objectives of the project are to: (i) Enhance capabilities of financial integrity institutions in South Sudan and Somalia (ii) Improve policy formulation and management within the IGAD region and (ii) Strengthen HESPI’s institutional and human capacities.
The overall goal of the project is to consolidate the gains made towards the intended transformation of the Economy of Ghana Network (EGN) into a full-fledged CLK-NET that would serve as a community of purpose for fostering stakeholder participation and collectively generating, scanning, sharing and promoting the effective utilization of information and knowledge in the development management process in Ghana. The project’s specific objectives are to: (i) Strengthen the institutional capacity of EGN as a formalized, regular and independent forum that convenes the country’s disparate stakeholder groups for collectively diagnosing and addressing the policy challenges encountered in the development management process of Ghana; (ii) Foster a more deliberate engagement of the policymaking process, thereby promoting greater stakeholder participation and knowledge utilization in development policy formulation and management in Ghana; (iii) Provide knowledge resources for guiding the design, implementation, and monitoring-and-evaluation of the effectiveness of development policies and programs in the country; and (iv) Establish a pool of human resource with adequate capacity in development policy analysis and research and management who can respond rapidly to the needs of policy makers and other stakeholders in the development management processes.
The overall objective of the CCP Phase II is to continue to develop an internationally recognized doctoral degree (PH.D.) program that enhances the continent’s capacity in economic research, development management, university teaching and relevant to African development needs. The program’s specific objectives are: (i) To consolidate the gains made during the first five years in the area of strengthening individual and institutional teaching and research capacity (ii) To continue to pursue innovativeness in Ph.D. Training in order to produce internationally recognized, but contextually relevant Ph.D. graduates in Economics. (iii) To increase the pool of professional economists at a cost-effective rate, thus enhancing its sustainability.
The project’s goal is to strengthen policy analysis and formulation towards national economic development in Kenya. The project’s specific objectives are to: (i) Enhance capacity of KIPPRA to produce quality research and policy support to Government and other stakeholders; (ii) Strengthen capacity of Government, private sector and civil society in policy formulation and analysis; (iii) Enhance KIPPRA’s communication capacity to enable the Institute respond to national policy issues; (iv) Strengthen the Institute’s partnerships and networks and (v) Enhance KIPPRA’s institutional capacity in to effectively support the policy process and ensure its sustainability.
The goal of the project is to strengthen the EPRC so that it continues to contribute effectively to the national and policy formulation and development process in Uganda. The specific objectives of the project are to: (i) Consolidate EPRC’s contribution to the policy formulation and development process through the conduct and dissemination of high quality applied economic research and policy analysis; (ii) Provide technical support to government and other stakeholders in the policymaking, implementation and monitoring process; and (iii) Strengthen EPRC’s institutional capacity to conduct policy oriented economic research, policy analysis and capacity building programs.
The goal of the project is to contribute to promotion and influence creation of competitive business environment in East Africa Region. The project’s specific objectives are to: (a) Enhance human and institutional capacity of EABC; (b) Stimulate private sector growth in the East African region; and (c) Expand the private sector’s participation and opportunities in regional integration process in East Africa.
Tanzania Global Development Learning Centre (TGDLC) is a capacity building sub-component under the President’s Office Public Service Management and a member of the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN). TGDLC is one of the first ten capacity building technology hubs established in different world regions and part of over 130 networked development communication hubs existing on six continents under GDLN. The TGDLC facilities enable decision makers and mid-level professionals and practitioners to access and share a wealth of knowledge and experiences available in the world. The sharing of information is done through the global communication system. The overall goal of TZ-CLK-NET, in addition to peer learning, information/knowledge sharing, is to promote broad based involvement and participation in the national debate on key issues of national concern, including the formulation, implementation and review of development policies and programs via a consultative process.
The goal of the project is to strengthen economic policy research and analysis in Zimbabwe. The specific objectives of the project are, to: (i) Provide evidence-based and policy options and trade-offs to the Government of Zimbabwe and other stakeholders: (ii) Consolidate gains in capacity building of key government economic ministries and agencies in economic policy and management, including consolidating ZEPARU’s institutional capacity; (iii) Provide demand-driven professional advice to state and other stakeholders on emerging development issues, and (iv) Continue strengthening partnerships and networks with other national, regional and international research centers and other like-minded organizations.
Les objectifsspécifiques du projetsont les suivants: (i) renforcer les capacities
Humaines et institutionnelles de RECOFEM pour la formation sur les questions degenre et pour la formation et l’analyse des politiques (ii) consolider les capcités
humaines et institutionnelles du Ministè de la Promotion de la Femme, de l’Enfant et de la Famille(MPFER), et des organisationsfémininesdans le domaine de lagestion du développemnt (iii) développer un programme de travail base surles defiesauxaquels fait face le pays et sur les besoinsspécifiques des organizationsféminines (iv) accroître la visibilité de RECOFEM à travers sa participation aux débats publics sur le problèmeséconomiques et sociaux au niveau national
The goal of IDEG-CAP II is to contribute to sustained interface between the state and non-state actors in order to promote sustainable development in Ghana. The specific objectives of the project are to: (i) Increase IDEG’s institutional capacity to enable it to continue championing sustainable interface between the state and non-state actors; (ii) Consolidate interface between the state and no state actors; (iii) Enhance policy and research analysis for informed Non-State Actor advocacy and lobbying efforts; and (d) Enhance the development of the interface capabilities of both state and non-state actors.