Existing Grants
The project goal is to improve policy making process in agricultural sector in Eastern and Southern Africa. The specific objectives of the project are to:
(i) Build human capacity for policy research and analysis in agricultural and applied economics through regional training at the post graduate level
(ii) Strengthen the capacity of participating departments including teaching delivery and the use of e-learning
(iii) Promote collaborating networks among economists, agricultural specialists and policy makers
The Goal of the project is to improve Government decision-making at the central and local levels for economic growth and poverty reduction, by sustained development and consolidation of the National Statistics Systems. The specific objectives of the project are to:
(i) Improve the quality of statistical data produced by Institut Centrafricain des Statistiques et des Etudes Economiques (ICASEES) and the peripheral statistic units in line ministries and Délégations Régionales du Plan (DRP) such that routinely produce reliable and up-to-date statistical information for decision processes and monitoring of progress towards development goals
(ii) Increase the number of skilled statisticians available to the government through the establishment of a scholarship scheme for certificate and diploma studies in statistics (iii) Contribute to the design, implementation and the monitoring of national strategy for development of statistics.
The project goal is to Improve effectiveness of the civil service in Chad in managing the country’s development agenda. The objective is to strengthen the skills and competencies of civil servants in Chad by improving access to training.
The project’s goal is to Improve the resilience of the Mauritania economy to internal and external shocks in delivering results of the “Cadre Stratégique de Lutte contre La Pauvreté. The project’s specific objectives are to:
(i) Enhance the analytical knowledge of the Centre Mauritanien d’Analyse de Politiques (CMAP) in addressing emerging issues identified as key development priorities in Mauritania
(ii) Improve agricultural policy environment for sustained productivity
(iii) Strengthen the managerial capabilities in the public administration for effective and efficient implementation of public policies and programs
(iv) Enhance youth employment policy analysis and management.
The project’s goal is to promote effective, coherent, and comprehensive public administration and implementation of its reforms programs in Africa. The project has the following objectives:
(i) To enhance human and institutional capacity of CAFRAD to improve its effectiveness
(ii) To improve knowledge and skills of public sector experts in African countries to better implement reform programs
(iii) To provide new understanding and knowledge through research on public administration reforms in Africa.
The project’s goal is to strengthen economic management capabilities for implementation of Zimbabwe national Medium Term Plan (MTP). The Project focuses on strategic priorities for capacity development identified by the GOZ which are: (i) Consolidating economic management through capacity building initiatives for ministries and related institutions responsible for economic management (ii) Rebuilding institutional and human resources capabilities for the public sector to support implementation of the MTP.
The project’s goal is to strengthen skills and competencies of South Sudan public sector managers in macroeconomic and public financial management. The project’s specific objectives are: (i) To improve skills and competencies to support Public Financial Management and Fiduciary institutions; and (ii) To strengthen systems in public institutions involved in core fiduciary management.
The project goal is to strengthen MoRIIC’s internal efficiency and effectiveness in delivering its mandate. The project specific objectives are to: (i) Enhance regional integration and (ii) Improve coordination of development assistance. These specific objectives have been cascaded into four-year program Performance Achievements and Annual Performance Goals.
The specific objectives are: (i) To improve skills and competencies to support Public Financial Management and Fiduciary institutions; and (ii) To strengthen systems in public institutions involved in core fiduciary management.
The project’s goal is to strengthen participation of African women in development processes. Specifically, the project , seeks to: (i) Enhance operational effectiveness of WUA (ii) Increase access to knowledge, skills and competencies of economically disadvantaged and marginalized African women, and (iii) Create an enabling environment for knowledge sharing and networking.